I feel something strange and wonderful developing between me and an illustrator/designer called Stefan G. Bucher. (A brilliantly designed site, by the way).
We've never worked together. We've never met. We've never spoken. I'd say, we don't even know one another.
But he does these wonderful illustrations, using ink, pens and a puffy tubey thingy. He films their creation, which is in itself facinating, and uploads one a day to his blog. One day, Monster No.19, he asked what the monster's personal story was.
As I was sandwiching at my desk at the time I put fingers to keypad and rushed off a back story.
So nice was Stefan about this story that I rashly promised to write one everyday for as long as he uploads a Monster, should he so desire. He, equally rashly said, sure.
I have every intention of keeping to that promise.
What's strange is that I have no idea why I'm doing this. What's wonderful is that someone created something for no other reason than he could. And that something connect with people he never knew were there. And now he's opened it up to anyone who wants tocontribute in the creation of these monster.
The Daily Monsters live.
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