It's that time of the year when you go out armed with a presents list for the family. You know the thing;
- tie (novelty if possible),
- book (anythingby someone famous, just make it hardback)
- socks
- box of sticky dates
perfume,no too obvious, I need something else, something, I know something far beyond, to show I care.
or even better, a new perfume system. I wonder where I could find one of those
Both posters found at Marble Arch Tube.
tips and facts about perfume-blue.great article and ressources for mot clé
Posted by: perfume blue | 11 March 2007 at 03:53 PM
well I'm still looking to see if I've got the armani code, which was lost about this time last year by a moody italian guy whose had vocal coaching so that he still sounds italian without saying 'armani cod' which would be somewhat fishy but rather more amusing than the tripe that is every other perfume ad anywhere ever.
Posted by: Iain | 12 December 2006 at 03:15 PM