I love that I live in a country that allows people to protest, in fact I wish people did it more often.
Less keen on the fact that I live in a country where 24 news coverage means repeating the same hysterical nonsense over and over again - yes, I'm talking to you Sky and BBC - maybe now's the time to be more honest, it's not so much 24 news coverage as, news updates every three hours then repeated for two, 24 hours a day.
Much more entertaining and informative is getting the info from those on twitter, enjoying these people right now. At least the updates happen when something changes.
And not only that, but the type of updates also bring the event closer to home. Intimacy is in the detail, not in the broad strokes of a situation.
Some smart client/agency relationship will understand this and be working right now on what they could/should be doing to make the most of Glastonbury, FA Cup, Wimbledon F1, etc in the year of the twitter.
Oh god, you and me both. Sky in particular kills me. Such a wasted opportunity.
Posted by: Angus | 07 April 2009 at 12:40 AM