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    They've been forced to take the film down ...


    I see Faris found a good place to post this link ...


    Lee, thanks for pointing that out. You're so right. Let's hope Diageo do the right thing.


    Hmmm. Diageo could have timed this a bit better.

    They are in the midst of closing the Kilmarnock plant on which much of this heritage story is built...

    Johnnie Walker's Great Granddaughter, Betty Heath: "I urge you to please reconsider before you ruin hundreds of lives and destroy everything my ancestor worked to establish. You are ripping the heart out of a community who has built everything around Johnnie Walker. If you close the bottling plant, you will kill off a town which has Johnnie Walker running through its veins. It is the only remaining industry and if it goes, there will be nothing left. Please find it in your hearts to save those jobs and keep my ancestor's legacy alive."

    Nice one.

    Ben Shaw

    Absolutely ADORE this film. Easily one of my favourites that we've done


    Very nice.

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