Regular readers will know that I've been a bit slack posting of late. If I'm honest the reason is two-fold. A shit end to the year and frankly a less than enthusiastic reaction to the industry. I just got very bored with everything, the same people saying the same things and very little work that was worth commenting on.
So when something did happened that I felt strong enough about to comment on and pass an opinion - the people power activites to spoil the X Factor (first with Jedwood and then with RATM) I felt too apathetic to do anything.
It was around this time that I also stopped reading other blog.
The beginning of the year hasn't really improved my mood of what is out there and the general state of the industry. It's all so dull, dull, dull right now.
It is my intention to get back into posting frequently, I just needed a little rest.
Aww common, ya gotta admit this is brilliant.....
Posted by: karen linderman | 08 January 2010 at 06:13 PM