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    I think you're probably right, Sell Sell, and I definitely agree with what you're saying. But then what else would I have ranted about today?

    Sell! Sell!

    Interesting. I like a good rant as much as the next man, so fair play. But it seems I took something different out of that post. How I read it wasn't 'don't write dialogue' (even though that's the title of the post) but rather 'don't button down all your dialogue in all its detail early in the process, while the script is being debated by people'. Maybe I'm mistaken. Probably. Writing dialogue is challenging, interesting and every good copywriter should do it. But I do think being clever about what stages you do things is good advice. I always write some dialogue, then end up rewriting it during or after casting when you hear what it sounds like actually coming from your character anyway.

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