I don't know too much about this charity, other than this is obviously a worthy cause and the 'ad' is a hugely shocking piece of communication.
My biggest question having viewed this though is one that I have to ask of myself, why do I find it so powerful?
Is it simply the power of the film making? ( I'm pretty sure it's not, as I actually don't find them that believable). Or is it the context, as ads don't usually push things this far? Or has the media desensitised me to such an extent that I accept it from black people? Or do I not have enough empathy for someone who doesn't look or live like me? Or is it simply that deep down I'm just racist? Could that be it?
I honestly don't know yet. I'm going to give it some more thought. In the mean time do go sign their petition, even if you can't stomach the film. Please
Oh and I think their website has been nicely thought through with the tone of voice spot on.
Thanks to Tony Snow for the heads up on this.