According to some research done by the American Marketing Association it's adults over the age of 25 who love companies that ask for consumer generated content, while those under 25 are less than happy.
...compared to a company that uses
only professional advertising, most adults feel that a company that
uses customer-created advertising is more customer-friendly (68%),
creative (56%), and innovative (55%).
Survey respondants between the ages of 18 and 24 are more likely
than those between the ages of 25 and 64 to say a company that uses
customer-created advertising is less trustworthy (21% versus 10%,
respectively), less socially-responsible (20% versus 10%, respectively)
and less customer-friendly (13% versus 5%, respectively).
Seems to me to be going in the opposite direction to what we're currently being lead to believe.
So, are the yoof of today really that cynical about advertising, any advertising, even the stuff their peers have created? While those over 25 are suffering from trendy-dad syndrome and liking what they think kids like it?
I don't think so. I think those pesky youngsters just crave authenticity and freedom of expression for their work and yet constantly see brands pretending to offer this while in reality still trying to control the how, what, where and why. Reminds me of a certain brown, fizzy drink manufacturer's handling of the the whole Coke/Mentos phenomenon.
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